Wednesday, January 3, 2007

My First Step

Hi All,
I've been learning a whole lot about combining my dream work, with the business world. I lived in the business world for well over 25 years and was extremely successful at it. Now I feel it is the time to give back to the world the many lessons that were given to me during that 25 plus years. I want to help you become successful in what ever your dream may be.

You may ask what's so special about me and what makes me think I could help you...

Good question!

Let me begin by saying I was in special classes all during school, with what they called "Slow Learners Deficiency" Great word meaning they didn't know how to teach me. After I barely graduated I joined the Marines at 17 and made E-5 Sergeant in less than 2 years. Not bad for a slow learner, don't you think?

After the Marines I moved into the corporate world, my first year making more money than both my parents together. I had every title out there from clean-up to Director of Operations for a 20 store chain, all with sales well over 1 million dollars each. The last job I had was my dream job. I became a Performance Consultant, in other words I was a corporate trainer. I traveled all over the United States teaching CEO's Presidents, VP, Directors etc...

Now am I getting your attention?

But... How I got that job was part of my story!

You see joining the Marines I never took any college or higher education. So when I applied for the training job I was told why bother? Not just by anyone, but one of the people that was interviewing me and deciding if I would get the job or not. To make things harder I had 6 other people trying for the position and all of them had college degrees.

What would you have done?

Me, I did what I want to teach you to do.

I got the job right away; they didn't have to think about it, they just gave me the job!

In my next writing we'll learn what I did and how you can too! Until than,

Love, Peace, Joy, Abundance, Success, & Prosperity!

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